We believe the word ‘curriculum’ should be interpreted in its widest meaning. It is every planned learning experience, both formally within a lesson and informally outside the classroom throughout the whole school day.
It is all the planned activities we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. Teachers, instructors and support workers structure these experiences to ensure that they have the most positive effect on the progress and personal development of all pupils.
The overall aim of our curriculum is to enable all our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. It is delivered by qualified, skilled, empathetic and experienced staff within a warm, safe, nurturing and state-of-the art learning environment.
We offer a flexible, personalised, engaging skills-based curriculum, which provides both choice and challenge. It is focussed on developing core subject knowledge, emotional literacy, and offers a wide range of accredited outcomes.
There is a strong focus on the social and emotional aspects of learning and we focus on life skills throughout the curriculum where Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) runs alongside everything that we do.
By building strong relationships and knowledge of our pupils, we are able to build pathways which ensure that each individual is able to pursue subjects they wish to study, talents are nurtured, opportunities are experienced and learning leads to positive outcomes.
Curriculum Objectives
- Broad & Balanced: Academic, creative, therapeutic, life skills and vocational opportunities. As many opportunities/experiences as possible to offer a motivating education that can develop talents in addition to having the opportunity to explore.
- Curriculum Pathways: Equipping individuals for THEIR future, securing outcomes and qualifications to enable future success and achievement. Every child to have a positive next destination.
- High Expectations: Support individuals in developing self-belief, self-discovery and self-confidence to enable them to develop high expectations of themselves.
- Impact: In everything we offer, everything will be purposeful and have impact. We recognise that our education must motivate our young people and raise their confidence and self-esteem.
- Challenge: To support the needs of individuals with accepting and responding to challenge, making mistakes, learning from mistakes and supporting others with their challenge.
- Responsibility: Every individual to take responsibility, accept support, support others, contributing to being a successful member of the community.